Code of Conduct
As a professional membership association, SAPICS aims to advance individuals in the supply chain management profession, through continuous participation in its educational programmes, conferences and events. SAPICS strives for quality, professionalism, and continuous improvement.
The code conduct and ethics is applicable to all members and underpins our behavior in choosing to be an ethical profession that strives for quality in all we offer.
Our behavior, guided by the code, speaks of professionalism that is key in our relationships with each other and our stakeholders.
The SAPICS Professional Designations Competency Standards Framework is the cornerstone of professional supply chain management practice.
Board and executive committee
- Drive and provide an example of the principles of the code to all members and stakeholders.
- Enforce consequences if any member fails to comply with the code.
- Ensure that members and stakeholders understand and embrace the code.
- Comply with the principles of the code
- Hold each other accountable to comply with the principles of the code.
- Ensure that all parties can identify ethical behaviour through the application of the core principles.
Code of Conduct, values and Behaviours
We operate with integrity and are straightforward and honest in all our professional relationships. Integrity implies fair dealings and truthfulness.
We protect personal information and ensure confidentiality of information we receive in a professional capacity and/or business relationship.
We manage our social media accounts responsibly, and with sound judgment.
We keep each other accountable for any information we publish online.
In all cases, members will:
- Attempt to resolve a conflict situation prior to resorting to social media.
- Respect the privacy of others and refrain from publishing photos of them without their consent.
- Ensure any information posted is accurate.
- Comply with the rules of the social media sites used.
- Be truthful about their skills, qualifications, designation status and professional experience.
In all cases members will not:
- Speak on behalf of the professional body if they are not expressly authorised to do so.
- Share confidential information about the professional body, its clients, stakeholders, or suppliers.
- Post comments or images that could harm the professional reputation or the professional body.
We should perform our duties efficiently, effectively and with integrity and ensure resources at our disposal or under our influence are administered responsibly.
We should be fair and impartial in the performance of our functions and at no time afford any undue preferential treatment to any group or individual or unfairly discriminate against any group or individual. We should not abuse the power or authority we may hold.
We address harassment, retaliation and bullying where applicable.
We avoid conflicts of interest and should declare any business, commercial and financial interests or activities undertaken for personal or financial gain that may raise a possible conflict of interest.
We do not engage bribery, corruption, fraud or money laundering, maladministration and reject any business practice that might be deemed improper.
We never use our authority or position for personal financial gain or that of family or friends. The position of a supply chain practitioner should not perform their duties to unlawfully gain any form of compensation, payment of gratuities from any person, or supplier/contractor for themselves, family or friends.
We responsibly manage any business relationships where unethical practices may come to light and take appropriate action to report and remedy them.
We encourage all members and associates to raise concerns without fear of retaliation.
We are committed to treating allegation reports seriously and investigating them thoroughly.
Any person can and must report suspected unethical, illegal or suspicious behavior immediately to the ethics committee.
Misconduct or bullying may include, but not limited to:
- Spreading malicious rumors or gossip
- Excluding or isolating someone socially
- Establishing impossible deliverables
- Withholding necessary information or purposefully giving the wrong information
- Intimidating someone
- Intentionally impeding someone’s work or business practices
- Sending offensive messages via any platform
- Criticising or belittling someone constantly
- Tampering with a person's personal belongings or work equipment
We do not accept inducements or gifts in exchange for favourable outcomes in contradiction to the code of the profession.
We understand that our behavior outside our professional life may influence how I am perceived as a professional and avoid any conduct that discredits the supply chain professional. We never engage in conduct, either personally or professionally, that would bring the professional body or the association into disrepute
Moral Standards
We promote diversity and inclusion across the profession.
We undertake that due diligence is applied on appropriate supplier relationships in relation to forced labour and other human rights abuses (fraud and corruption)
We respect, protect and enhance human rights.
We adhere to the laws of the countries in which we practice and in countries where there is no relevant law in place, we will apply the standards inherent in this code.
Professional Competence
We maintain and develop professional knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure that we deliver competent professional supply chain services.
We maintain and develop professional competence through a continued awareness and understanding of relevant technical, professional, and business developments.
Keeping Members Accountable
Each board member, executive committee member, general member, designee and/or associate that agrees to this code of conduct, willingly submit themselves to aligned consequence management.
The process of managing misconduct includes but is not limited to:
- Any perceived or potential violation must be reported to the ethics officeras soon as possible.
- A formal investigation commences by the professional body and the potential witnesses, evidence and/or statements are considered by the ethics committee.
- The individual may be addressed in person, by a relevant board member or executive committee member, in order to rectify the behavior or clarify any misunderstanding.
- The board member or executive committee member, with the assistance of the ethics committee, might suggest one of the following remedies, please refer to the Disciplinary Policy.
- Public apology
- Suspension of specific duties and association
- Resignation as member from the professional body and/or
- Revocation of designation
- Where misconduct involves contravention of any law, the complaint will be escalated to the board, which will take appropriate action.
- The board member or executive committee member, with the assistance of the ethics committee, might suggest one of the following remedies, please refer to the Disciplinary Policy.
- Future association and participation by the individual might be restricted and will be communicated to all relevant parties, in such a manner as to protect the reputation of the professional body and those involved.
- The individual will have the right to appeal the decision of the ethics committee by following the Appeal Process, outlined in the Appeals Policy.
Acknowledgement of the Code
Each member, professional designee or stakeholder acknowledges the following:
- Willing acceptance of the code of conduct
- Understanding the various responsibilities associated with the code
- Agreement to abide by the principles
- Agreement to willingly participate and cooperate in any investigation of violation of the Code.
- Agree to report misconduct to the ethics committee.